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Firewalls, in the simplest manner, is a filter between a business’ computer or network and the Internet. It prevents unauthorised access to IT infrastructure and information. The first thing that sees incoming data coming from the internet is a Firewall. The last program to handle any outgoing data is also the Firewall. Just like a security guard of a building, Firewall holds the incoming data, scrutinize it and then decides about network traffic. You can easily program what kind of incoming data you want to enter and everything else will be filtered out. There are several different ways in which Firewalls can be used to secure your business or home.
Bigger organisations and corporations mostly have firewalls installed in order to protect their vast chain of networks and data. The outgoing data is secured by programming firewalls to prevent anyone within the corporation from sending sensitive data outside of the network. The incoming data is safeguarded by configuring firewalls to deny access to certain websites for example blocking social networking sites etc. Firewalls, when configured properly, can prevent access to computers and other devices within the organisation from outbound attacks. The configurations possible with firewalls are limitless but it is very important that extensive configurations are maintained and handled by highly trained IT specialists. The most important essence of Cyber Security devices is the correctly configured and appropriate Firewall. A very precise and powerful partitioning of systems is one of the key strategies for successful prevention of Cyber attacks. One of the most effective way to prevent the malware from spreading across your network is by segregating the networks by partitioning via Firewall and hence, creating safe zones. It is very important to deploy a Firewall between networks and servers/computers.
The Network Firewall protects servers and workstations from a host of network-level attacks, including protocol anomalies, connection flooding, denial-of-service, SYN flooding, as well as packet fragmentation evasion techniques.
  • Hybrid Firewall design for the best of all worlds.
  • Application-Level Packet Filtering, both secure and efficient.
  • Proxy-ARP Transparency isolates internal systems from attack.
  • Policy-based routing for efficient use of dual network connections.
  • Multiple redundant / balanced Internet links for fail-safe operation.
  • Traffic shaping and QOS control for priority services.
  • Address translation and port / address forwarding hides the internal network.
Features of Network Firewall:
These are some of the features available in Firewall softwares like pfSense and Sophos which can be installed and utilized on Pondesk products like MNHO-073NSHO-001NSHO-002 and NSHO-004.
All these devices are equipped with Intel® AES-NI and Secure Key which is the most broadly used standard when protecting network traffic, personal data, and corporate IT infrastructures.
All these devices are ready for IoT by simply connecting them by using 3G/4G LTE via Mini PCIe.
They are perfect to be used for Security Gateway, Server, VPN and Firewall such as pfSense, Untangle, Sophos, Smoothwall, ClearOS, m0n0wall etc.  Can be configured as a Firewall, LAN/WAN Router, VPN, DNS Server, DHCP Server to deliver a high throughput, reliable operation, high performance and wide array of network applications.
Pondesk devices are not only fast and reliable but are energy efficient as well as they have very low power consumption. All in all, Pondesk has come up with perfect multi-purpose embedded appliances. 
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